About Us

Our Journey

Our story is a testament to the enduring spirit of families navigating the labyrinth of Asperger's Syndrome (AS) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). I, along with my son, am on the spectrum, while my grandchildren are diagnosed with ADHD and ASD. This personal journey sowed the seeds for Dads of Aspies (DOA), a sanctuary created to empower, support, and educate fathers sharing a similar path.

Professional Backbone

With a professional backdrop stretching over a span of 12 years, we've been at the helm of an ASD support business, extending a helping hand to numerous families. My role as an ABA therapist has further equipped me with the tools to comprehend and navigate the intricacies of ASD. Currently, I am in the process of completing my diploma in counseling, a step forward in enriching my capability to assist individuals and families.

The Aspie Whisperer

At the core of our support system is my wife, lovingly known in our community as the "." Her innate ability to understand and communicate with individuals on the spectrum has been a beacon of hope and a cornerstone of the support we provide.

Our Mission

DOA was conceived with a heartfelt mission - to ensure that no dad traverses the journey of raising a child with Asperger's alone. We strive to foster a community where shared experiences form the bedrock of enduring support and understanding.

Join Our Community

We invite you to delve into the resources available on our website, join our , and follow us on our social media platforms. Your journey, with its unique challenges and triumphs, forms the tapestry of our supportive community. Together, we learn, grow, and navigate the realms of parenting in the spectrum.


Shifting from the Aspie Reaper to the vibrant, puzzle-adorned Aspie Robot as our new logo at Dads of Aspies (DOA) reflects a transformative shift in our ethos and visual messaging. The Aspie Reaper, while a striking figure, often conveys themes of fear and finality, which don't align with our mission to foster hope and support within the ASD community.

In contrast, the Aspie Robot embodies positivity, inclusivity, and the collaborative spirit of our community. The colorful puzzle pieces symbolize the diverse and interconnected experiences of those living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), reinforcing our commitment to understanding, celebrating, and supporting the unique journey of every individual and their family.

This change underscores our dedication to creating an environment that is welcoming, uplifting, and supportive, moving away from imagery that might be perceived as somber or negative. Our new logo invites members, new and old, to engage with our community in a space that champions acceptance and encouragement for all families navigating the challenges and triumphs of ASD.

Contact Us

We are here to assist you on this journey. Reach out to us via our contact page or follow us on our social media pages below.