Boys vs. Girls: The ASD Edition!

So, you’ve noticed your little Miss Aspie isn’t quite like her brother with ASD? Well, pull up a chair, and let’s unpack the go-bag of differences between boys and girls on the spectrum, with a good dose of humour because let’s face it, we could all use a laugh!

It’s a Masked Ball!

First off, girls with ASD are often the grand masters of ‘masking’. That’s right; they can slip into social situations smoother than a ninja at a silent disco. Boys, on the other hand, might not be as slick, often wearing their quirks on their sleeve like a badge of honour. So, while your daughter might be mimicking her mates to blend in, your son may be more likely to question why he can’t just talk about his Lego Millennium Falcon all day.

Social Butterflies vs. Solo Fliers

Girls with ASD tend to flutter around social groups more than boys. They’re like undercover agents, trying to crack the code of playground politics. Boys may prefer to fly solo, circling around the edges of groups, perfectly content in their own splendid isolation. They’re often more straightforward in their interactions, which means they’re less likely to get caught up in the drama of who’s unfriended who on the latest social app.

Interests: Broad vs. Specific

When it comes to interests, your ASD girl might have a wide range, knowing a little about a lot, while boys often dive deep into the Mariana Trench of their favourite topic. She’s like a buffet of interests, and he’s the all-you-can-eat special on dinosaurs.

Emotional Expressions: Quiet Rivers vs. Bursting Dams

Girls might keep their emotions as hidden as the secret recipe to your Nan’s pavlova, while boys can be more like a dam ready to burst – when it goes, it really goes. Navigating these emotional waters can be like trying to surf in the Outback – tricky, but not impossible.

The Chameleon Effect

Our ASD girls are chameleons, often changing their colours to fit the social landscape. They might pick up phrases, mannerisms, and even hobbies from their peers like they’re collecting seashells on the beach. Boys might just stick to their one favourite colour, thank you very much, and see no need to change it, no matter the social season.

Sensory Sensitivities: All the Feels

Both boys and girls with ASD can experience sensory sensitivities, but they might react differently. Your daughter may quietly withdraw or become intensely focused on a task, while your son might express his discomfort a bit more… shall we say, vocally?

The Diagnosis Dilemma

And here’s the clincher – girls are often diagnosed later than boys because they’re so good at flying under the radar. But, like a good game of backyard cricket, once you know the rules and quirks, everyone gets a fair go.

Remember, these are generalisations and every kid is as unique as a unicorn playing the didgeridoo. But one thing’s for sure – whether you have a boy or a girl with ASD, life’s never dull!

About the Author:
This post was brought to you by DOA.AU, the go-to hub for dads with Aspie kids. Our aim? To make the journey a tad easier, a heap more fun, and a whole lot more informed! Join our community for more tips, stories, and dad jokes that only we find funny. 😉

Note: Always consult with a professional when implementing new strategies or tools for you or your child.

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