Ace the Space: School Success for the Awesome Autistic Teen

Teen School

Today, we’re talking about how your teen can not just survive but thrive in school, even when their neurology is more ‘unique’ than their school’s mascot. So, let’s dive into the world of education, IEPs, and accommodations with a Read more

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Tech to the Rescue: Harnessing the Silicon Power for Our Superheroes with Autism

Welcome to the digital dojo, where we swap capes for apps, and our gadgets are the real heroes (sorry, Batman). In the world of autism, we’re not just about the ABCs and 123s; we’re diving into the APKs, JPEGs, Read more

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Whiteboards and Cheer: Crafting Classroom Success for Kids on the Spectrum

Hey there, Super Dads of Aspies! Are you ready to turn the classroom into a superhero’s lair for your little legend on the spectrum? Buckle up as we dive into the ABCs of creating a learning space where our Read more

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Smarty Pants and Clever Clogs: Customising Education on the ASD Spectrum

What’s up, Dads of Aspie dynamos? Buckle up, because we’re about to take a detour through the education jungle, specifically tailored for our ASD explorers!

Let’s face it: navigating the educational maze can feel like trying to solve a Read more

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How to Help Your Child with ASD Make Friends at School

Hey there, Dads of Aspies! Let’s talk friendship – not the TV show kind, but the real, live, playground kind. Helping your child with ASD make friends at school can sometimes feel like you’re a novice juggler at the Read more

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How to Choose the Right School for Your Child with ASD: A Dad’s Guide

So, you’re ready to find the perfect school for your kiddo with ASD. You know, the place where they’ll learn more than just their ABCs and 123s—like, how to launch a spacecraft from the playground or debate the nutritional Read more

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The Ultimate Toolbox: Must-Have Resources for Parents and Educators of Kids with ASD

Ever feel like you’re trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube in the dark when it comes to finding resources for your child with ASD? You’re not alone, and guess what? The solution is brighter and closer than you think!

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Strategies for Helping Your Child Succeed in School: A Dad’s Playbook!

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve got a young legend in the making and you’re keen to see them shine in school. Let’s dive into some top-notch strategies to help your kiddo bring home that A-game, with a Read more

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How to Support Your Child’s Learning at Home

Ever found yourself in the living room, with a cup of coffee in hand, staring at your child’s homework and thinking, “Crikey! When did maths get this hard?” We’ve all been there. And while we might not remember Pythagoras’s Read more

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Different Educational Options for Children with ASD

Hey there, awesome dads! Ever felt like choosing a meal from a restaurant menu with too many tempting options? Well, when it comes to educational options for our kiddos with ASD, the choices can seem just as vast and Read more

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