The Sensational World of Sensory Play

Today, we’re diving into the whimsical world of sensory play and its superpowers in the development of our little superheroes with autism.

Sensory Play: What’s All the Fuss About? Have you ever watched your kiddo get more fascinated by Read more

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Resources for Families of Children with ASD and SPD: Your Ultimate Guide!

Dive into the world of ASD and SPD with me, and let’s uncover some hidden treasures to help our little champions soar. 🚀

1. The “Sensory Superstars” World:Imagine a theme park, but instead of rides, you’ve got sensory Read more

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Strategies for Helping Children with ASD Cope with SPD: A Dad’s Playbook

So, you’ve entered the wild world of parenting a child with ASD. But wait, there’s more! Your child also has SPD? Sensory Processing Disorder? No worries, mate! You’ve got this, and we’re here to help. Let’s tackle this together, Read more

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How to Spot Sensory Processing Disorder in ASD Kiddos: A Guide for the Dads of the Aspie Universe!

Welcome back to the Dads of Aspies corner. Today, we’re diving deep into the sensory jungle to help you identify Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). So, slap on your detective hats, and let’s Read more

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Sensory Overload or Just Too Many Socks? Understanding Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)

Ever wondered why your kiddo might be averse to that new pair of socks you got them? Or why the sound of the microwave beeping might send them into a frenzy? No, they aren’t auditioning for a superhero movie Read more

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